Friday, August 26, 2011

Welcome back!

We have had a wonderful first 7 days of school. It was amazing to be able to jump in with both feet, and get started right away. We've been very busy!

We started off the year working on solving algebric expressions using the Hands on Algebra program. We reviewed our learning from last year, and have nearly completed the first level. Hopefully you have seen some of the work that your child has been completing in his or her math journal. We will finish level one on Monday and Tuesday, and students will take the unit assessment on Wednesday of next week.

In science we have been talking about environments and environmental factors. Students have done excellent work setting up well-organized journals complete with a table of contents, and index. Today they made their first terrarium observations. Next week will focus on continuing these observations, and learning about terrestrial environments, and plant growth. On Friday the darkling beetles and isopod bugs arrive!

Did you see the article in the Cedar Rapids Gazette about looping at Prairie Creek? It featured Mr. Young's homeroom. You can find it online by clicking here.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. J.

Did you see the

Algebra Math Websites

Here are some links to algebra math games:

Online Math Learning

Hot Math